Angels are beings created by God before the creation of human beings on planet Earth. They are referred to in various forms, names, and places throughout the Hebrew Bible and Christian Bible. There are 15 main angels, but what are the names of angels of God and their duties?
The name of 15 angels are Ariel, Azrael, Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jeremiel, Jophiel, Metatron, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Raziel, Sandalphon, Uriel, and Zadkiel. They belong to 3 different ranks, The Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. Closest of all to the Most Holy Trinity stands the six-winged Seraphim.
In the above excerpt, I’ve touched upon this interesting topic of names of angels of God, which hopefully gave you a clearer idea. Follow the rest of the article, where I cover everything in more detail, so you can discover the duties of these angels and also their ranks.
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Names of angels of God and their duties
In the Bible, angels are supernatural beings that serve God or other heavenly powers.
Angels are active in the world, but their primary role is to serve God and his people.
They are not all-powerful, but they do have certain supernatural powers that make them different from humans.
Regarding the names of angels of God and their duties, they may be assigned specific tasks or functions by God or by human beings who pray to them for help.
Angels are messengers that bring messages from God to humans on earth, or to other angels in heaven.
Angels are referred to in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Angels have been described as messengers of God, divinely sent to perform duties on his behalf.
They are also said to be created beings, created by God before humans were made.
Although angels have no canonical gender, and they’re mostly referred to by male pronouns, angels are often depicted as male or female with wings.
Angels in the Bible can be either good or bad – it depends on their purpose for being sent.
The Bible describes angels as having human form, with wings and faces like those of men.
Angels can appear physically in the presence of humans, but they can also take on other forms.
When thinking of angels, we all probably envision tall, blonde figures wearing white robes, with feathered long wings.
This may be true for some angels, but the appearance differs on the hierarchy and the angels’ assignments and positions.
What are the 9 ranks of angels – Name of the order of the archangels
The angels are a distinct type of spiritual beings, with their own names and roles in the hierarchy of creation.
Angels are divided into ranks or spheres, and each rank is associated with a different sphere or plane of existence. What are the 9 ranks of angels?
The three highest ranks – seraphim, cherubim, and thrones are associated with the highest level of heaven (the third heaven).
While the six lower ranks – dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels – are associated with lower planes.
Highest orders
- Seraphim
- Cherubim
- Thrones
Middle orders
- Dominions
- Virtues
- Powers
Lowest orders
- Principalities
- Archangels
- Angels
What is the highest rank of angels?
The highest rank is Seraphim. They stand nearest to God and are often considered His messengers.
The highest-ranking angel used to be Lucifer.
He is the most authorized and most beautiful and he is the destroyer, the devil, and the light bringer.
But currently, Michael is the highest and strongest angel.
Despite his inferior power, he defeated Lucifer and so he is the Viceroy of Heaven and the bearer of the Flaming Sword.
Names of angels in the bible and their duties
There are 15 main angels of God and each one has a specific role in the Bible.
In the sections below I will list the names of angels in the Bible and their duties, as well as discuss when they were mentioned in the Bible for the first time.
Ariel is mentioned in the Bible only once, in the Book of Isaiah.
It is not known how the name Ariel came to be associated with this particular angel.
The word itself means “lion of God,” but it could also mean “lioness of God”.
In some sources, this angel is known as male, but mostly it is depicted as female.
She is said to preside over the element of air and all things related to it: birds, winds, weather, and so on.
She oversees the protection and healing of animals and plants, as well as the care of the Earth’s elements (such as water, wind, and fire).
The angel Ariel is the angel of God, also known as the archangel of humankind. She is responsible for all things that are related to humanity.
This includes healing humans, protecting and guiding people through their lives, and helping people learn about their true selves and their life purpose.
Azrael – The Angel of Death
Angel Azrael is the angel of death and final judgment, also known as the Grim Reaper.
The angelic name “Azrael” means “whom God helps.”
According to Jewish tradition, Azrael was the angel of death in charge of taking the soul from a dying person’s body or rather detaching the soul from the physical as it enters its next phase in life.
In this role, he was considered the most popular angel in Jewish lore.
This angel acts as a psychopomp – transporting the souls of the deceased after their death – but he is also known to hold a scroll concerning the fate of mortals.
Meaning he records and erases their names at birth and death.
The Bible does not mention Azrael by name but does refer to him indirectly as “the Angel of Death” (Genesis 32:24; Exodus 12:23-24).
The angel Chamuel is the angel of love, beauty, and joy. He is known as the “Angel of Peace” and the “Angel of strength”.
He is a very loving and compassionate angel who wants nothing more than to see you happy and fulfilled in all areas of your life.
He will help you discover your soul mate or twin flame if you have yet to meet them, as well as help you to heal any broken relationships that have taken place in your past.
This angel is also depicted as female and can be referred to as such depending on your feeling and connection.
The first time that Chamuel was mentioned in the Bible was in Daniel’s vision.
In Daniel 10:13-21, he appeared before Daniel to give him strength during his exile.
He also appeared to help Daniel with his prayers for his people Israel.
Angel Gabriel is one of the highest-ranking angels of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
He is seen as God’s messenger, with a particular focus on revelation.
He is mentioned in the Bible by name in both the Old Testament and New Testament.
The name Gabriel means “God is my strength” or “man of God”.
His role as a messenger brings him into contact with humans on a regular basis.
In the Bible, he delivers revelations from God to various people, including the Virgin Mary and to Daniel.
Gabriel is also believed to be an angel who serves as a messenger from God to humans in both Judaism and Islam.
While many different angels are mentioned in the Quran, it refers directly to Gabriel by name only once.
In Islam, he is believed to be responsible for revealing verses of the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad while they were both inside a cave on Mount Hira during Muhammad’s retreat from Mecca.
Angel Haniel is the angel of love, peace, and wisdom.
Haniel is an archangel of the highest order and a member of the Order of Principalities.
Haniel holds dominion over the element of water and all things associated with it (emotions, feelings, dreams).
He also plays the role of divine communication and acts as a direct passage between a human’s energy and the higher energy states of the celestial realms.
This angel is one of the seven archangels in the Hebrew tradition.
The name Haniel means “the grace of God” or “joy of God”.
In the Bible, it doesn’t say much about this angel. However, in Jewish folklore, he is said to be an angel who rules over love and justice.
Some say that he watches over marriages and relationships.
This angel teaches us how to be compassionate and kind.
He also helps us learn how to heal ourselves and others.
Jeremiel is known as the angel of vision and dreams and he communicates messages from God to humans who feel troubled and discouraged.
His name translates into “God’s mercy”. In book 2 Baruch (part of the Jewish and Christian Apocrypha), he is the angel who presides over true visions.
Jeremiel interprets the vision of dark water and bright water to Baruch, saying that the dark water represents human sin and its destruction of the world, while the bright water represents God’s intervention to mercifully help people.
Those who seek Jeremiel’s help are the ones who need help to evaluate their lives and realize what God would like them to change.
This change is often to better their lives, whether that be learning from their mistakes or seeking a new direction.
He is the angel to pray to if you are pursuing healing.
Jophiel – Archangel of Beauty
Angel Jophiel is the archangel of beauty and wisdom.
He is the only angel whose name is not derived from a Hebrew word. His name means “beauty of God.”
Due to the association with beauty, this angel is often depicted as a female.
This angel was also responsible for teaching humanity about beauty through music and art.
He is sometimes associated with the angel Metatron because both are considered to be archangels who stand behind God’s throne (Metatron sits on the right-hand side).
Angel Jophiel’s role is to bring clarity to your life. If you’re feeling confused about something, ask for guidance from this powerful angel.
You might be struggling with a big decision or trying to figure out how to accomplish something on your list of goals.
The answers are coming from within you – you just need help accessing them.
Angel Metatron is the ruler of Earth and the celestial realm, where he serves as a messenger for God.
He is also known as the angel of presence.
This angel is believed to be the scribe of Heaven and Earth, as well as the angel of prayer.
Metatron’s role in Heaven is to record all that happens on earth and in Heaven.
Therefore, he knows all secrets and can reveal them when necessary.
This knowledge allows him to advise humans who seek guidance from angels about their own lives or those of others.
In Jewish mysticism, Metatron is considered to be an archangel who guards God’s throne.
He also serves as an intermediary between God and man; Jews believe that prayers are answered through this angelic being.
In modern times, this angel is often seen as an angelic being who is helping us to achieve our goals and dreams.
Angel Michael is the archangel who is the leader of the angels, and he is also known as The Lord of the Hosts.
He is one of the most powerful angels in heaven.
The archangel Michael is also called “The Great Prince”, “The Shining One”, and “The Conqueror”.
Other titles for him include “Prince of Light,” “The Faithful and True,” and “The Glory of God.”
In Jewish lore, Michael is considered to be the guardian angel of Israel.
In fact, he’s considered to be their only protector from God’s wrath during a time when the nation was being punished for its sins.
In Christianity, this angel has been depicted as a warrior who fights evil in all its forms – even Satan himself!
However, he’s also known for his kind heart and gentle ways – especially when it comes to protecting children or those who are sick or dying.
Angel Raguel is the angel of justice, as well as the angel of peace.
He oversees the laws and rules that govern our world.
Raguel’s duties have remained similar across Jewish and Christian traditions.
His purpose has been to keep fallen angels and demons in check and to deliver judgment upon anyone that over-steps their boundaries.
He has also been known as the angel that destroys wicked spirits and casts fallen angels into Hell.
Angel Raguel is also one of the few angels who will not judge a person based on their past deeds.
Instead, he focuses on what they can do in the future.
He uses his powers to seek out those who have been wronged and help them find justice.
He also works to promote peace within humanity by encouraging people to forgive each other and live with kindness towards one another.
The Archangel Raphael is a healing angel who works with the energy of love.
He is known to be the angel of doctors and healing. He is also known as the angel of self-love, happiness, and abundance.
He is one of the seven archangels mentioned in the Old Testament and New Testament.
He appears in the Book of Tobit, where he helps Tobias to heal his father’s blindness by bringing him a fish’s liver.
This angel’s name means “God has healed” or “God heals.” Healing any wounds or diseases you have.
You can ask him to heal your body and it will get better.
If you have an illness or wound, ask him to heal it for you. Healing your emotions and mind.
If your mind is troubled or distracted, ask Raphael to help you focus on what’s important in life and what needs to be done next.
The angel Raziel serves as a guardian of divine knowledge.
He is the angel of God, who was mentioned first time in the book of Enoch.
He is a high-ranking angel in charge of mysteries and revelations. He is also known as “The Keeper of Secrets”.
According to Jewish mysticism, he wrote down all the sins that God had forgiven since creation.
In Judaism, he is one of the three angels who visited Abraham (the other two are Metatron and Sandalphon).
In Christianity, he is an archangel. This angel is said to be associated with alchemy, astrology, magic, and Kabbalah.
In Kabbalah, Raziel is an archangel who reveals knowledge of divine mysteries to humanity.
He can help you to understand your past lives and why you are here now.
He can also help you understand what your purpose is in life and how to fulfill it.
The name Sandalphon can be derived from Greek, meaning “together” or “brother”.
The second derivation most likely refers to Sandalphon’s relationship to Metatron.
This angel is credited with gathering the prayers of the faithful.
He makes a sort of garland of those prayers and he adjures them to ascend to the supreme King of Kings.
He watches over us constantly and loves us unconditionally.
He is always there when we need him to help guide us through difficult situations in our lives such as divorce or illness.
The Book of Enoch describes Sandalphon as one of the four archangels who stand before God’s throne and sing in unison with the melody of praise to God.
In Kabbalah, he is the angel who is said to appear before the feminine presence of the Shekhinah and to receive human prayers and send them to God.
In the Bible, the angel Uriel is the angel of wisdom, the one who shines the light of God’s truth onto those who search for solutions and information.
He is often depicted carrying a scroll or a book.
His name can be translated from Hebrew as “God is my light”, but also “fire of God”.
While being the angel of wisdom, he is associated with the mind and everything connected to it (ideas, creativity, philosophy), he is also the one that is reminding humanity to worship God and not him.
Uriel is the one who provides guidance, offers protection, and removes obstacles when danger is near.
He is also the angel who stands before the gates of Heaven and guards the entrance to the underworld.
He can either accept or deny a soul’s entry into the kingdom of God.
Zadkiel’s name means “God’s righteousness” and he has been called “the guardian of all who sleeps in death.”
His name also means “the one who enlightens justice” or “who makes things right for humanity.”
Zadkiel is often depicted carrying a large sword that represents his power over evil forces.
As an angelic healer, he can bring comfort to those who are ill or grieving over lost loved ones.
This angel is the angel of freedom, mercy, and benevolence. He is also the patron angel of all those that forgive.
He is an angel who washes away the past, helping you forgive yourself and others.
He helps people find peace within themselves and soothe their minds with calmness.
If you have been through a traumatic event in your life and have not been able to move beyond it, Zadkiel can help you to let go of the pain so that you can move on with your life.
Final thoughts
The angels of God, known to us as the archangels, are a bevy of powerful, celestial beings who maintain order behind the scenes.
The more we learn about them, the closer we seem to get to understanding God’s hand in how our world works.
I have described each of the 15 names of angels of God and their duties, so you can see that each of them has a purpose.
If you find yourself with more questions, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you soon!
Ately Faustina Ngozi
Thank you for this knowledge
Ann Harrison
Thanks for this knowledge
my question is can you highlight me about the Angel that purges and the Angel that helps in Worship.
Delinah meso
Thank you for this knowledge. Kindly more if possible
Junior Raphael Gatch
Thankyou I am so glad,
Adoch Pauline
Thank alot dear, I would like to know whether Laila is the name of an angel and if so is it the angel of God or a fallen angel
Zeruwa Nwafor
I appreciate for this knowledge, keep it up dear
Angela Backler
Thank you, I will.
Joy joel
Thanks for this revelation, please what is the angel in charge of marriage?
Seth Alorgbey
How can I see and work with an angles?
Chidaya mtonga
Thank you very much for this knowledge which I have been lacking now I know the angel to call upon when I need healing etc
Dear Chidaya,
You’re most welcome! I’m thrilled to hear that the article helped you discover the angels associated with healing. If you ever need more information or have further questions, feel free to ask. Wishing you healing and positive experiences.
Cavin Makua
Maybe next time you can share your knowledge more about where souls are kept after death, as the Angel Azrael collet those souls.
Thank you for your suggestion, and I appreciate your interest in exploring topics related to angels and the afterlife. The role of Azrael, often referred to as the Angel of Death, is indeed fascinating, and it involves the collection of souls after death.
I’ll certainly take your suggestion into consideration for future articles. Discussing the concepts of the afterlife, the role of angels in guiding souls, and the significance of figures like Azrael can be a valuable and insightful addition to our content.
Thank you again for your engagement, and I look forward to exploring more intriguing subjects in the future.
Best regards,
Angela Backler
Awoniyi gbenga
Thanks may God bless you
To god be the glory
Amaitum Raphael
Thank u for educating us on the names, Iam called Raphael Amaitum and I have seen some these characteristics of Angel Raphael in me, whenever I minister to a congregation there’s much joy and happiness, does it mean that some of these names have an impact in our daily lives?
Stephen D Brown
Thankyou for explaining what these Angels are and represent , Some time ago I was told that I have an Angel on my shoulder and believe that is true when I look at my very wrecklas life ….this very nice spirtual lady said that the Angel on my shoulder is ` Raguel` and have been told many times ` you have an Angel on your shoulder `
belieive me if I had nine lives …I have used them up !… when I look at my past life … I do beleive this to be true.
This special spirial lady intruduced me to use the Dowser … I use the dowser to ask many questions of which I always get answers and have confirmed some of my pasty lives , I have been told `I have an old soul` … I am very spiriual …. right from a very early age until now of which I am seventy … I have never felt alone …. I have had some amazing experiances … and for me Haveing this angel on my shoulder has and is having an impact in my life …thankyou for this information .
maria nkechinyere odimba
hello thanks for sharing your knowledge of angels. is it ok to pray directly to the needed for each needs according to their names.
E Hamilton
Thank you for providing this enlightening knowledge. Do you happen to know what Angel oversees prosperity?
Emeka samuel
Thanks for the knowledge of angels i now know the angel to call for my emotions and fellings, thank you i am so grateful.
Geo D
I can’t find any, but two of these angels in the Protestant or Catholic bibles. They are The Archangel Michael and The Archangel Gabriel. I saw Ariel mentioned where you referred to in Isaiah, however as the city of Jerusalem, not as an angel. I could not find Uriel either, but it is referenced in my Protestant Bible in the concordance as the child of Tamar.
Please let me know where you got your information. I’m very curious. My name is George, thus the curiosity 😉